Tea table cards for 2016 (set 2)
101. Pencil drawing of something with name embedded
102. (Drawing of scenery)Thank you for this wonderful park. It's a life renewer (smiley face)
103. (drawing mounts and two trees)BRIGHT/Blue?DAYS
104. Smile is worth more than 1000 words! (smiley face) Thank you for the smile! (smiley face)(name of family)
105. 100 people in line for the bread
100 people in line one person gets a loaf, that's all the bread for a year.
106. (6.05.16) Hello friends! This is now my new favorite way to come home from work because I love seeing all the smiling faces in passing @ this table- I can't find the last note I wrote so I hope it found a good home somewhere! Thanks again for being so thoughtful you are appreciated! XX (heart /initials)
107. Recieve ye light from the son. Recieve ye all that seems lost. Wait for the risen Once and their Rhuah Ha Kodesh to shine shine o new Jerusalem for the glory of the adon is listen up thee. This tea charged by the son- recognize in it more than phenomenology. There is even a corner of salvation here and I knew it not. Shut up in the tomb of failure, Rejection, loss and ever-increasing poverty. At last I have donned my sackcloth round the trees of the forest sing...
108. 9/16/16 6:12Pm Be with the person you want to be at this viewpoint with. (name)
109. We had sex here.
110. Dear Dad- Hugo & I are enjoying this amazing table a neighbor set up for all to enjoy. You would love & we miss you everyday. XOXO
111. Thanks for bibng thet and smiling- (name)
112. Hello beautiful people!
I've lived in Seattle off & on my whole life & it's always a pleasure to see random acts of kindness such as this. Unfortunately it doesn't happen often enough. So thank you so much for taking the time to share w/strangers but also to remind us that something so small can be so thoughtful & can make comes day! YOU ROCK! XX (heart)
113. (fancy script) Thanks for the delicious tea! (reverse a drawing of scenery)
114. Thank you for making the park come alive.
115. (name) to my aunt megan who lives in vermont Whom I think for always being kind and helpful to anyone who needs it.
116. I've been by many times & this is my first stop. It's a plasure to experience your hospitality first hand -> as nice as the view.
117. 6/1/16... on a motorcycle ride. oddly enough we had our own tea to enjoy. but thank you for the amazing view! (drawing of tea jars with mountain behind)
118. Emotions are bad and inefficient.
119. Did you know that deja vu is just a delayed nerve reaction?
Messed up.
120. Sorrow hides behind an optimistic smile
Thoughts of you drift through my head
Gone to soon like a flower past it bloom
Yours memory will linger until it too fades...
I'll miss you.
121. Meanwhile the world goes on (swirling pencil lines)
122. Three herons led the way up the lake, above the fray and whine of jet skis, showing us the beauty of wing and reminding us of the fragility of beauty. Thank you for sharing your energy with the Middle East. We look forward to your safe return to this wondrous place.
123. Dear Friends, dear friends
let me tell you how I feel
you have given me your treasure
I love you so
6/1/2016 9:00pm
124. In the absense of an open heart there can never be a fully open mind.
125. Dear Cello in Jerusalem
May you follow in the footsteps of those who preached the golden rule in all the faiths -- be blessed by kindness & pass it on! (heart initial)
126. Astronaut Haiku
Space suit as prison
Really shouldn't have eaten
that three-bean salad.
127. Drinking tea in melacholy never felt so good.
I'd drink more and more but it tastes like shit.- Anonymous
(herbal tea w/mint) worse than water from flint.
128. I sit here and wonder it the tea is poison or if you are just a nice person. If you sit curl watching indulus and smile, or pull out your shirt the world will never know the reason for this venue (???)Butt thank you- (name)
129. Perhaps he knew/ as I did not/ that the world is round/ so that/ we cannot see/ too far down the road.- out of africa
130. (entire message is in foreign language/script with no translation it looks Thai but I'm not sure)
131. Bene Gessrit- Litany Against Fear
I must not fear
Fear is the mind killer.
Fearis the little death that brings total obliteration I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when the Fear has passed I will turn the inner eye to see it's path where the fear has gone- there will be nothing. Only I remain. 6/5/16
132. The thing we truly love
in life
are not chosen
of built
but found
intimes we choose to open ourselves to them.
134. My favorite view in the city. How nice to be joined by others at the table (swiggle) To be blessed by such generosity.
My thanks today goes to all near & for who reach out to others ~
135. June 26, 2016
One mountain majestic. One park so quaint. Leaves one lost in thought, but satisfied with the grace that one neighbor & one glass of herbal leaves can bring...
Thank You! (name)
136. 50 miles in, 85degree F. out even in the son the black tea was excellent, very smooth, light tannins, no bitterness. Thank you. (name)
137. This tea is rab love it doed (peace symbol) Peace for days (peace symbol)
138. (name) My heartbeats per minute for you: you're the best part of all my favorite songs
Sweet Lucia
Pocky: Defining Moment (symbols)
1000%!! IU2GAF (I can't begin to translate this -sorry)
139. Everyone in the world is
love you All!!
140. Muchas gracias!
I hope you realize how much good will (two words I can't read)spreading here!
I rarely pass anymore without stopping for tea. (name)
141. When in doubt, have a cup of tea! (drawing of the table glasses and jars).
142. Life itself is the most powerful drug, if we but pause to drink in its presence. 5/18/16
143. Stopped here on a bike ride with my daughter. I'm riding on a bike that belonged to a friend who passed away a couple weeks ago. She'd have loved this tea spot, this weather, everything about today. Miss you, (her name) May 1, 2016
144. Greetings from a former San Diego resident. I am new to Seattle and have felt the "Seattle freeze", to my surprise a friendly open spot like this welcomed me so thank you for the randomness and kindness of an colorful table and some tea.
Thank you 4/28/2016
145.imperfect feet
licking pedals
squeaking bike parts
begging to be ignored
smashed weeds
unseen by insect future people
from a friend of friends
who likes tea
146. Thank you for your kindness!
Makes the ride more special. (name repeat visitor in fact he found this card and signed it another day too)
147. 5-17-16
Stories of L.A.
adalimumas on tongue
my love's a puppy
Rainier shines full sight
sweaty bikes moving uphill
Mint tea is pure bliss.
148. Finally the tea is back!!
Bringing summer joy to all that crosses this path!
Thank you!!
149. (drawing of a flower){paraphrase} If only we hoarded good food and cheer instead of gold (as the bubbles do) the world would be a merrier place.
150. I finally stopped for TEA!
After all of these months.
My favorite view on my bike ride home. Even better sitting still.
Gratitude for this little blip of humanity.
151. From Wash Middle School reader board:
A ship is safe in the harbor...but ships were not made for harbors.
152. hydrangea's overwhelmed
berries flourish
birds woefully rejoice
alt-hycu 646
153. This tea better not have drugs in it!.
Also I would prefer lemonade but thanks! you should bind a lemonade stand (smiley face)Drug Free you guys are most likely nice people who knows ... that is the best compliment I can give you because idk you. Nice table btw
154. Thank you for the tea and thoughts on this cold and rainy may day. I hope your summer days an long & bike filled (drawing of a bicycle).
155. What once was masked by buildings and cars is not revealed by this place of ours. We too often forget the beauty and simplicity of life until we stop for a sec.
156. Thank a lot, this tea really hit the spot. I've ridden by here many times, but I didn't see the free tea sign until this morning.
157. Bounce that shit like Woah
158. (drawing in blue lines)(name on back)
159. A haiku for you-
Found tea in the park
Are there drugs in the potion
Now I will find out.
160. What's up shorty?
My name is (name). I like to read, take long walks, and partaay. (a long series of hashtags)
161. Roses are red
VIolets are blue
I need a sugar daddy
that can be you.
162. (surreal drawing name)drip ~ seint gojira
163. (surreal drawing name)Drip (initials and peace symbol)
This spot is always one of my favorites to happen upon in the Emerald City. I wish people the world around have a chance to discover a magical spot embued with generosity and good energy for all to enjoy.
Happy Spring Seattle
April 2016
164. We live in such a beautiful creative world that you would put tea out for us to enjoy on our bike ride. Thank you (3 hearts)
165. Jasmarin & black tea gives
looks good, Dude.
166. A Haiku for a barfing dog
Our dog sniffs alot
searching for tidbits to make
her barf later on
167. (drawing of a one eyed head with pierced ears) 3rd eye (initials)
168. (drawing of a hand holding a pencil) Sweet memories.
169. Tea stop
Out for a ride with the kiddos
Cheasty Blvd a joyous sight
now off to go pabke a pizza our afternoon's been a delight
170. 4.28.16
The soft breeze
That sifts through the evergreen trees
Keeps my sould at ease
Belles the turntable (drawing cup heart cup)
171. YOu are magnificent!
What amazing & beautiful thing would you like to explore next? (heart)
172. Cat Stevens - trouble
Cover Oberst- common knowledge
Elliott Smith- can't read the title and two more titles Thanks for the elixir (name)
173- 175. cards of track lists but no explanation why or what they mean just a list
176. 5-2-16 "Pseudo Haiku"
Poetics lacking
I view the scene for inspiration
The scene is enough
Thank you Seattle for the last three years (initials)
177. This is a very nice idea. Beautiful location!
Have a great day!
Much respect,
Seattle Police Department
included a South precinct business card
178. Si cada dia cae dentio de cada noche hay unpozo donde la caridadad este encerrade.
Hay que sentarse en la orilla del pozo
Y pescar pos lug caida con paciencia-
Pablo Neruda
(forgive me if some of this is off! English on the other side
If each day falls
inside of each night
there is a well where
clarity is imprisoned
We must sit on the
edge of the well
and fish for
fallen light
with patience.
180. This message is to you.
You have good Tea!
181. Tuesday- I haven't visited since last summer- thank you- and I like what you've done with the place (smiley face heart peace symbol)
182. To (name)-My wild, tortured, smart, funny, cruel/kind gifted one, you couldn't make it in the world we had. I couldn't save you then, & the wisdom I know now has come too late. But I believe part of our souls connected profoundly in passing, & I would like to believe some part of them may connect once again in the future. You shaped me in some strange, important ways
Love (name)
183. This message is to the people in neapal i can them get better now I am also a lover of (peace symbol)
184. coming out of my cage & I've been doing just fine.
Gotta gotta be down, because I want it all. Thanks so much for the tea (squiggle)
185. Hey Dad- I love you. asnd I'll always miss you. Thanks for introducing me to the beauty of the Northwest -(initial)
186. 4:10pm 5/03/16
The trees...the lakes & rivers & oceans the birds, bees & all things wild. It is you that we need.
Thanks for the tea! Hopefully I can return the gesture in the future. (name)
187. My Son: He set forth on his unfavorable journey, finding himself through random trials & luck.
188. Lifes shout Fuck it, do what you want (name)thank you lovely people
189. I miss you (name)
190. (pencil squiggles)
191. (drawing of woman dancing)Hello (squiggle)Darkness my old friend.
192. (drawing of long haired person a bald person and a body of water and a dock(?))
193. I'm in love with (name)
194. Wednesday, may 25 2016 4:48
I miss her even whin I'm with her. I mioss her laugh and the way her eyes light up when she sees the way the world works and at night when she's tired and the galazy still shines bring in her eyes. She's my world and I'll always take care of her, I love her so much. I can tell her anything and she'll just listen. She's a gallery of art and being able to see her all the time makes me the most happiest man no matter what's going on.
195. (drawing in sparkly ink of a lion with a third eye on other side a drawing in same ink of hands grasped as though in prayer)"If the girl had been worth having she'd have waited for you?'...'No, sir, the girl really worth having won't wait for anybody"- F. Scott Fitzgerald